Mortgages-BC province only
1. Loan term:
- Lower Mainland Vancouver areas in BC: up to 85% LTV
- Other major cities in BC: up to 75% LTV
- Rural cities in BC: up to 65% LTV
- Open or Closed Products Available
- Interest Only Payments or Installments (subject for conditions)
Special rates and term offer for lending areas in the Lower Mainland Vancouver
2. Mortgage Types:
- Equity Take-out
- Home Purchases
- Refinances
- Debt Consolidation
- Investment properties
- Renovation Financing
- First and Second Mortgages (third mortgages on exceptional cases)
- Niemi, LaPointe & Dowle Appraisals
- Lawrenson Walker Appraisals
- Adlaw Appraisals
- Johnston, Ross & Cheng Appraisals
- Cunningham & Rivard Appraisals